@DHC1(@DHC1_1991) 's Twitter Profile Photo

quin, from space Derek K Gio Toxique Andrew Visnovsky My point is that the US system has been producing talented Americans well before MLS

It doesn’t appear that MLS has accelerated that progress in any meaningful way

@DHC1(@DHC1_1991) 's Twitter Profile Photo

quin, from space Gio Toxique Andrew Visnovsky brooks/pefok/maloney weren’t domestic so has nothing to do w/MLS. LdlT wasn’t MLS either

the US is developing better players & MLS is simply aggregating them, not developing them

TBF, academies are free so that a benefit but they’re getting that back w/TC/solidarity comp now

@DHC1(@DHC1_1991) 's Twitter Profile Photo

quin, from space Derek K Gio Toxique Andrew Visnovsky There is more depth but what credit MLS gets is debatable

If an academy was consistently churning out b5 level prospects every couple of years, that indicates a program that both recruits & develops talent

The US doesnt have that yet but perhaps some are starting to get there

@DHC1(@DHC1_1991) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Derek K quin, from space Gio Toxique Andrew Visnovsky Could you answer a simple question?

Did whitecaps develop Davies more than Hershey developed CP?

Is that a basis for claiming progress?

@DHC1(@DHC1_1991) 's Twitter Profile Photo

wannabGM ChocoMil I think coach stoutland has earned the right to make calls on the OLine talent - if he thinks steen isn’t ready, I’d go with that

@DHC1(@DHC1_1991) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Derek K quin, from space Gio Toxique Andrew Visnovsky Of course. But top academies develop players after they recruit them

Did Hershey develop CP?

Did whitecaps develop Davies?

If so, who are the other top tier players who have followed them?

@DHC1(@DHC1_1991) 's Twitter Profile Photo

SoccerDadinCali Arturo J Chesterton III ChambersWI Stop

We had a much lower talent pool level and got the the same place that the wife beater has

He has never gotten the team to play to the sum of its parts,
let alone better

We r not a top 15 team talent wise but we’re up about 15 slots from where we used to be

@DHC1(@DHC1_1991) 's Twitter Profile Photo

quin, from space Gio Toxique Andrew Visnovsky Same with today’s list (both with club and usmnt)

So…the overall numbers are worse/the same than in 2010 but you think that means that MLs academies have meaningful impact? Hmmmmm

quin, from space(@starnavigation_) 's Twitter Profile Photo

@DHC1 Gio Toxique Andrew Visnovsky The difference is that now a lot of the guys who are major contributers in Europe can't even get called up so it looks worse on the surface

@DHC1(@DHC1_1991) 's Twitter Profile Photo

quin, from space Gio Toxique Andrew Visnovsky I’d argue MLS recruits talent rather than develops them

We had elite talents before MLS academies

Job, reyna, Clint, LD, BMB, etc and CP more recently

Are there meaningfully more b5/UCL players now than before?

@DHC1(@DHC1_1991) 's Twitter Profile Photo

wannabGM ChocoMil Always good to question but if there’s one coach to give benefit of the doubt to, it’s coach stoutland IMO
